Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Staverton Airport finally comes clean

Staverton airports managing director has finally come clean and admitted that the "safety improvement" that they are trying to instigate is actually about introducing new services.

As with most pleasurable things that you do at someone else's expense, you can always justify it to yourself. Mark Ryan's explanation of his proposed expansion is no different.

Amongst other things, Mark Ryan argues that because Staverton airport is small it has no effect on global warming. In my letter to him, I have explained that this is like using the argument that it is okay to rob the corner shop because it is small in relation to the great train robbery.

Strangely in their web site, they say that they are concerned about global warming and that action is needed at local, national and international levels. On this, I agree. And a good local action is to oppose the expansion of this airport. It is easier by far to stop a bad thing from starting, than to stop a bad thing from continuing.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Feeback on the Anne Snelgrove meeting

Cirencester College were privalleged to have Anne Snelgrove MP (for Swindon South) come to present her position and the governments on the environement and climate change. Over 50 students attended the presentation, which is a measure of the level of concern that they have on this issue. Anne commented aferwards on how well considered the students questions were.

Contact me at kevclimatecolumn@btinternet.com

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Governments Climate Change Bill out for consultation

The governments draft climate change bill has been issued for consultation. The thrust of the bill is largely based on the assumption that carbon emissions can be painlessly reduced by carbon trading. All the evidence now emerging is that this is a total falicy at all levels.

Please click here to see my comments on the report. Please review the draft report yourself and and if you have any comments or disagree with mine, please email me at kevsclimatecolumn@btinternet.com to let me know. It is particulary important to have students and young people commenting on this report. The governments has published its list of consultees - this is dominated by large organisations and does not solicite the feedback of younger people who will live with the consquences of this disaster.

The governments climate change bill can be found at http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/climatechange-bill/consultation.pdf