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Friday, August 12, 2011

The sinking of the titanic

When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. When nothing extends beyond not being able to afford the latest must have non-essential consumables, but also means having no moral values, no hope for the future, no vision of a way forward, no voice, no knowledge of how to articulate your concerns and no way of achieving any of these, then you have created the perfect environment for total despair and social disintegration.

The evidence from the riots of today is that we have created a society in which despair is the only thing to be found in abundance. The situation is so bad, it is hard to find any time in human history when despair, especially amongst the young, has been in such abundance over hope. Even in the darkest days of the Second World War or on the cusp of the Cuba Crisis, our social structures remained intact, as hope triumphed over despair.

It is almost impossible for anyone to read the papers today and not feel overwhelming anger, panic and dis-empowerment. Climate change, peak oil, ecosystem collapse, social decay, stigmatisation are all themes that were not even on the agenda during the last set of riots in 1980s. Despite these clear warnings of imminent collapse, our government and governments around the world to cling on to the outdated concepts of maximising economic growth, which is an even more stupid concept than the Titanic proceeding at full speed through a sea full of icebergs. There was always the chance the Titanic might of missed the icebergs, we have no chance of avoiding economic collapse.

Just as it was the steerage class on the Titanic who were the first to know that the ship was going down when they hit the iceberg, because they saw the rivets popping and the water coming in, whereas the elite in first class carried on oblivious as they were insulated from the first warning tremors of the unavoidable crisis, then so it is today. The steerage class of today's society can see the ship going down as they experience at first hand the pain of high food prices, energy costs, transport costs and declining public services. Today's steerage class is made up predominantly of the young who are drowning in despair. Just as the steerage class of the Titanic did not need to be qualified Naval Architects to know disaster was looming, then the steerage class of today do not need to have degrees in Economics to know that today's society is sinking.

Meanwhile those in the first class, which are predominantly baby boomers over the age of 45, idly pontificate over their dinner parties about how the next generation will have to simultaneously solve runaway climate change, tackle peak oil, pay off the national debt, reduce over population whilst at the same time they should gratefully accept being saddled with student debt, survive in an economic system that will never allow them to buy their own home, nor offer them secure employment nor allow them to save for their future.

The young people, the steerage class of today, must tackle all these challenges within a morally bankrupt framework which rubs in their face the vision that if you can not be a top consumer you are nothing, and which blatantly transfers wealth from the poorest to the richest of society.

Only one week ago, a £32 million grant was given to AugustaWestland for them to convert an existing military helicopter design into a private helicopter for executive use. This is money that would be far better spend on supporting the social services for those confined to the steerage class, rather than supporting the most carbon intensive mode of travel for the super rich. This immoral transfer of wealth from the poorest to the richest of society is but one example of many. The list barely needs repeating, but includes such events as MPs expense scandals, on going tax avoidance by the super rich, BAE Systems systematic overcharging on defense contracts, blatantly fraudulent environmental claims for developments such as airports which ignore the existential threat of climate change, nonsensical ideas of carbon trading, ill conceived and corrupt ideas on biofuels,  all of which further marginalize and weaken the poorest.

But just as it was in the Titanic where the first in the life boats were the first class and the steerage class were locked below deck to die, then so it is in today's society. The strongest will use their strength to survive, whilst the crisis simultaneously weakens the strength of those at the bottom.

Following the last financial crisis the top bankers held on to their bonuses, whilst those at the bottom of the social ladder suffered spending cuts and increased costs. In the ensuing debate, the bankers told us that the bonuses were essential to their continued utility to society and they held on to them. What outrageous rubbish – the bond market collapse over recent days has seen the banks profits collapsing yet again and the humble tax payer is being geared up for more bail outs. It demonstrates the banks profits are determined by market conditions, not their ability to pay massive bonuses, but more importantly it shows that each emerging financial crisis simultaneously weakens the dispossessed and strengthens the possessed. This is the only outcome that can be expected in an economy that now has fixed limits and where one persons gain must be another persons loss.

And regrettably, the bankers are but just one group of people who are able to use the economic crisis to strengthen their power. The biggest corporations receive more tax breaks and grants because economic growth is now deemed to be so much more important in a slump and by the same rational more sacrifices are to be made of the environment to support economic growth.  All these  contribute to a further weakening of those at the bottom and strengthening of those at the top.   

The only fundamental difference between today and the Titanic, is that today the first class passengers expect the steerage class to save the ship while they simultaneously drown. This is a situation that can only be described as madness made all the more apparent by the wanton and criminal disregard for the environment and equality in society that the elite have shown. In the circumstances, we should not be too surprised when this madness becomes infectious and passes down through through the layers society to the point where it arrives at the people who can only be victims and have no way of articulating their concerns. But now, it is time to be cool, calm and sane at all levels of society and for us to face reality together.

The stark reality is that we now face a bleak future, which we are all genuinely in together from steerage class to first class. We must all recognise that our society is currently based on economic growth and our laws and institutions are predicated on supporting this model, but economic growth is neither our present nor our future. By contrast, the bleak future of continuing economic contraction has started now. As a consequence of rising raw material costs, food costs and population, economic growth has already reversed for the majority of our community, especially those in the steerage classes. The contraction will go harder and quicker as the implications of climate change and resource depletion bite deeper into the fabric of our society at the exponential growth rate of today. It will be accelerated if we maintain the collective madness that has now broken out and finally gripped all levels of society.

Cool heads will now be needed, because as the sea levels rise, as the food rations get consumed, we will suddenly realize that there are not enough life boats to go around, because we all liked to think the ship was unsinkable.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Email to Rob Garnham,Chair of the Association of Police Authorities and supporter of the rich, on the riots

Dear Rob,

It was interesting watching your interview on Sky News this morning when you expressed the usual outrage that the rioters were criminals, which strictly in accordance with the law they are. However, to dismiss them as such without seeking answers to the broader question as to why so many youngsters are prepared to become criminal on mass, sets the foundations for further riots.

You may remember that we had correspondence in the past on the implications of policing in the face of climate change and future societal collapse.

I warned that in a society that creates a hopeless future for our children, as we are currently and deliberately doing, then societal break down can be the only outcome and that it would come quick, suddenly and overwhelmingly.  Unfortunately, you found my argument and warnings offensive. It gives me no great pleasure to see it coming true.

Our young people face an increasingly bleak future and they instinctively know it. People of our generation (the people over the age of 45) continually talk about how the next generation will have to simultaneously solve climate change, peak oil, pay off the national debt, whilst at the same time we ignore their peaceful protests on student debt, we create an economic system that will never allow them to buy their own home or secure employment and create an environment devoid of moral values.

Yet at the same time we condone criminality at the upper reaches of society. In your own backyard, you supported the fraudulent business case for Gloucestershire Airport which forced the local community to back a development to provide an airport for private jets whilst simultaneously polluting their own environment, all at the time of public service spending cuts. These crimes funnel wealth from the poorest to the richest systemically and efficiently,  and they do it on a far bigger scale than the rioters have achieved. Gloucestershire Airport is but one of many instances, so it is hardly any wonder vast sections of our society are angry and disenfranchised.

We have seen infectious madness passing through the upper reaches of society through their wanton disregard for science and morals for many years. We should not be too surprised when we see infectious madness passing through society's disposed. 

In previous correspondence (copied to you) I pointed out that “Our society is currently based on economic growth and our laws and institutions are predicated on supporting this model. Economic growth is unlikely to be our future.” That bleak future is starting now. Economic growth has reversed for the majority of our community as a consequence of rising raw material and food costs and will reverse quicker as the implications of climate change bite harder.

What we are seeing today is a foretaste of the future and if we carry on with the current moral and economic framework, things will get worse much quicker.

As the Chair of the Association of Police Authorities, it is incumbent on you to take the time to understand the root cause of these events and have the courage to grasp hold of the dreadful realities that face us. You can not rely on wishful thinking and the preservation of the current destructive status-quo.

Kevin Lister