Graphs taken from forthcoming book - The Vortex of Violence, and why we are loosing the battle against climate change.
Take atmospheric CO2 data from Manua Loa, and plot a straight line through it and you can see more clearly that the rate of increase increases with time:
To simplify the graph further we remove the monthly cyclic data by plotting a 12 month moving average. Rather than drawing a line of best fit through the data, we simply draw a line from the first point to the last.
This graph shows the highly defined convex nature of the graph and the rate at which the gradient has has changed over the this time period.
As all the things driving the graph are exponential such as economic growth, fossil fuel consumption, population growth, etc and given the graph above it stands to reason that an exponential function should be able to model it which will be of the general form CO2=Aekt, however:
The blue line, shows the 12 month moving average and the red line is the best fit exponential data. The red line looks straight-ish, simply because of the values used in the best fit exponential function, but these values represent the best approximation that an exponential function can give to the data over this range. It is clearly unable to provide a decent fit, with an increasing underestimate with recent data. It leads to the proposition that k in the equation above is over time.
So we plot k against time. To calculate k for any date, we need just two data points on the curve. One of these we fix as of today and the other starts at 1959 and slides towards today's data point. From these two points we can easily calculate k for each specific date. If the data was a perfect exponential curve, then the value of k would not be affected by our choice of points, and that is largely what we see until 2009. However, after 2009 then k starts growing explosively. This lays out the nightmare of super exponential growth; exponential growth on exponential growth.
Finally given the changing value of k, we can plot how the date at which we expect atmospheric CO2 to go through 450 ppm for any date and we see this coming forwards. So based on the data back in 1960 we would have expected to go through 450 ppm around about 2042, which was bad enough. But recalculating this using data over the last couple of years suggests that we could be going through 450 ppm by 2030.
After 450 ppm, the worst nightmares of runaway climate change are impossible to avoid. Given these graphs, any talk about getting emissions down to 350ppm to give us long term hope of avoiding runaway climate change is pie in the sky. It means that we must contemplate a much more drastic change to business as usual.
These graphs will be updated as new data comes from the Manua Loa observatory.
These graphs will be updated as new data comes from the Manua Loa observatory.
This is grave news. So sad. But we saw it coming I guess...
Great detail, thx. There doesn't seem to me to be any mention of methane releases compounding this scary curve. With the deep ocean warming , the perma frost melting and untold methane being released from hundreds of thousands of oil fields how does this factor into the race to 450ppm carbon??
Hi Kevo,
thanks for your comments.
Atmospheric CO2 is a functional of a large number of variables. Starting in 2009 virtually everything that could go wrong with the environment started going wrong and that is where the super exponential growth really stated. At this time, tar sands developments got going at full blast, oceans became saturated with CO2, massive forest fires covered much of the planet, the Chinese economic miracle was running at full blast on the back of cheap Australian coal, and yes, the Arctic was entering into its melt down phase which continues today.
So in answer to your comments, methane when it oxidises in the air, is an other contributory factor to the rapidly increasing level of CO2 and this is likely to get an awful lost worse in the years to come. As anyone who takes the slightest interest in this knows, methane has a far greater warming potential than CO2 and there is enough of it under the oceans to ensure runaway climate change.
The graphs show that there is now so much momentum behind the CO2 increase to ensure that this will be released and it will be very soon. Also when atmospheric CO2 goes through the critical limits (in however we define these) it will be going through on an increasing ascendancy
I have debated the implications of this in my book - see
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