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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Transgenderism - it happened because it is so evil nobody believed it could happen


I have been caught in the vortex of the transgender nightmare for nearly three years. I was a teacher at New College Swindon and after a female student in my class told me she wanted to be referred to with a male name, I raised safeguarding concerns. They were never properly answered and instead it led to my dismissal on safeguarding grounds, and a referral to the government’s Disclosure and Barring service which then put me on the barred list. I now face a lifetime of social ostracisation and rather than assumed innocent until proven guilty, I was assumed guilty with no chance to prove innocence. 

My legal battle against this is an ongoing drain on my life. The irony is not lost on me that my preliminary hearing to the employment appeal tribunal will be on the 100th year anniversary of the Scopestrial, or the Monkey trial as it is more commonly known. In this trial a teacher had to fight for his liberty because he had the temerity to teach that man evolved from apes rather than being created by God. That case and mine tightly interlock around state attempts to ban the teaching of science to children in favour of ideologically based beliefs, and this is despite the 100-year time difference.

If there is any consolation for me, it is that transgenderism is coming to an end, just as the mandated teaching of creationism finally did. We may soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief, as almost all thinking people have realised that something that looks absurd actually is.  

The transgender movement is now on life support. It is being beaten in the courts, government guidance is beating it out of the education system, the Cass Review is beating it out of the medical profession and the media is beating credibility out of it. Just like a dying person being surrounded by frantic doctors doing all in their power to stop an irreversible transition from life to death, then so it is with the transgender ideology. A small cadre of diehards who are committed to reviving the dying transgender fantasy are doing everything in their power to breathe life back into their soon to be corpse on the forlorn hope that they can triumphantly return it to the centre stage where it was once so firmly anchored. 

The motivations of this extremist cadre are many and none should be underestimated. Some are parents motivated by the guilt they carry after damaging their children for life; some are teachers and schools whose motivation comes from being coerced into EDI races and being too foolish to realise their folly; some are politically motivated and spurred on by the need to demonstrate their commitment to the most extreme manifestation of their beliefs; some are sexual deviants motivated by the easy access to children that the trans movement has enabled. And then finally, there are those whose motivation is good old money and power such as the charities, medical practitioners, and lobbyists who feasted like swarms of cockroaches on vulnerable children and young adults. 

A freedom of information request showed Mermaids, the Tavistock Centre, and transgender lobbyists from the Lib Dem party swarming together with civil servants from the Department of Education to get the transgender ideology mandated into schools, even though they admitted at the time that there was no evidence to support their dangerous enterprise. All these instigators benefited financially, and the Lib Dem’s receipt of £1.5million at the same time from Ferring Pharmaceuticals who manufacture puberty blockers is an egregious conflict of interest that is completely indefensible. 

The fallout from this dystopian manipulation is thousands of children damaged for life, good families destroyed, bad families exploited, the education system undermined, the medical profession perverted, the justice system corrupted, and trust in the institutions of state shattered. At best, a demoralised nation will require a generation to recover from the pain and injury it has suffered.  

As part of that recovery, a fundamental question must be answered; why did this happen in the nations with the most advanced education systems and most advanced concepts of free speech and the rule of law in the world?

This is a complex question that nobody can truly answer it, and my attempt to do so is simply a reflection from my own experience. I am not an expert in this field as there is no knowledge to build expertise upon as our society has never faced such a profound challenge before or anything analogous to it. So, others will no doubt disagree with my answer or offer a different set of answers, but the same caveat applies; they aren’t experts either.

The starting point in framing my answer is that the success of the transgender ideologues is because their ideology is so extremely evil and it was deployed on such a vast scale that it was beyond the understanding of all normal, rational people who rely on the cooperation and the goodwill of others to survive day to day.

To put this in perspective, the first hideous attempts to convert children from one sex to the other were conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele in Auschwitz on children who were forced into his laboratories. His terrors were reliably documented by Eva Mozes Kor who suffered terribly at his hands. Needless to say, there were few survivors to testify on his appalling experimental programme. There was no science then to justify his psychopathic torture, and eighty years later when the Cass Review was finally published there was still none to justify the coercion of children into the modern-day version of his experiments. Yet, in the intervening time this extreme and barbaric experiment escaped from Auschwitz to become mainstream in the most developed nations on the planet.

The nations where this terrible Auschwitz escapee found its safest home were those that had fought in unison to stop the evil of the Nazis and at a terrible cost. Such a noble history of success and perseverance against the odds breeds complacency and the misplaced belief that the democratic foundations and systems of governance that delivered victory over totalitarianism are unshakable. But they are not. They are terribly fragile, especially in this time of growing uncertainty driven by frightening technological change and the ever looming threat of an existential outcome from climate change which we are powerless to stop.  

The resulting complacency and uncertainty was exploited by the transgender ideologues who presented their rainbow unicorns as an antidote to the darkness of climate change, and they were supported by governments around the world to do so, because all governments would rather have young people marching on the streets for Pride rather than blockading them in the name of climate change. With that support transgender ideologues attacked the values that Western democracies were built upon with a modern-day version of Mengele’s evil experiment on a scale that dwarfed anything he or his Nazi sponsors could ever have envisioned.

Their attack was audacious in the extreme. They simultaneously corrupted all the democratic, legal, and intellectual systems in a powerful surprise attack.  It was a modern-day Pearl Harbour, and almost nobody believed it was happening, even when it was obvious it was.  Like Pearl Harbour, it was well planned and funded. Its preliminary moves were to change the legal system through the Equality Act in the UK and similar elsewhere, to silence dissent with EDI programmes, to target anyone by manipulating language, to deprive dissenters access to justice, to destroy free speech and to finally replace free thought with thought control.  My case testifies to all of these. 

During this attack, it was easier for the average men and women to accept defeat and justify the madness with acceptance of the ideology in whatever form was demanded of them, even when the ideology demanded their children as raw material for its industrial complex.

This is an appalling observation, but put simply and bluntly, the greater the evil the greater the chance that the collective response is to disbelieve it, because to accept great evil is to undermine the faith we all need in humanity. Furthermore, as things get worse our hunger for faith in humanity increases and the more likely we are to dismiss the evidence of great evil. 

The spectrum of human experience offers many such examples of extreme irrational responses to unexpected and great evil. One close parallel to the transgender disaster is that of Dr. David Southall. He was an eminent and highly thought of paediatrician who introduced to the world the concept of Fabricated and Induced Illnesses where parents, usually mothers, deliberately injure or kill their children in acts of total evil. In so doing he saved the lives of many vulnerable children. His reward was to be hounded out of the medical profession as no one at the time wanted to believe the evidence that he had so carefully collected and presented could be true. Even now, after his exoneration, no one wants to link Fabricated and Induced Illness with the parents who encouraged their children to present as the opposite sex, and when I raised this in my defence it was used against me as evidence of transphobia and lack of contrition. 

So what do we learn and how do we stop anything like this from happening again?

We learn that the great institutions of state can easily be perverted by ideologues to act against the people they are supposed to serve, especially in times of stress. We learn that great evil is always present, and we should always be ready to resist it. We learn that education systems, on their own, are no defence against extremism and instead can be used to enable it. We learn that instead of living in robust democracies, we live in fragile states that can slide easily into dystopian dictatorships.  Finally, we should understand that if an ideology as absurd as transgenderism, which has as its basis the proposition that children can and should change sex, then any evil ideology can take hold.